I am slowly painting up a variety of fantasy armies for Age of Fantasy: Skirmish, from One Page Rules – here we have a newly painted army – Ratmen (a.k.a. Skaven), figures 3d printed from designs by Artisans Guild.
The figures were undercoated using the same method as my Northmen (see Painting Fantasy Northmen with Contrast/Speed/Xpress Paints)
It was a simple colour scheme, again using a combination of Contrast/Speed/Xpress paints – colours used were as follow:
VX: Vallejo XpressColor
SP: Army Painter Speedpaint 2.0
CC: Citadel Contrast Paint
Skin: Darkoath Flesh (CC)
Fur: Wyldwood (CC)
Cloth: Desolate Brown (SP)
Leather/Webbing: Brownish Decay (SP)
Wood: Wasteland Brown (VX)
Rope/Trim: Aggaros Dunes (CC)
Steel: Polished Silver (SP) with a Nuln Oil (Citadel) wash
Gold: Hoplite Gold (AP) with an Agrrax Earthshade (Citadel) wash
Bone: Pallid Bone (SP)
Paper: Bony Matter (SP)
Poison/Missiles: Plaguebearer Flesh (CC)
Red Leather (on the Seer): Burnished Red (SP)
Fire: Fire Giant Orange (SP)
Staff Gems: Aethermatic Blue (CC)
Army List/Images
Upgrades: Army Standard Bearer, Dual Heavy Hand Weapon
Upgrades: Master Priest, Spear
Night Scout
Upgrades: Spear
Upgrades: Spear
Upgrades: Toxin Bomb
Rat Ogre x2
Storm Veterans
Upgrades: Heavy Great Weapons
Graeme C.