Congratulations to Charlie Wilson and Alan Graham – the winning Quiz team. We had six Rounds – National Flags (RWB), Hi/Low Hobby Prices, Wargame Rule anagrams, WWII Operation Codenames, Canadian provinces and a Military Wordsearch.
Boxer Rebellion: Death in the Dark Continent
We have been playing Death in the Dark Continent on a regular basis for some time now, and I have steadily built up a collection of forces – Explorers, Natives, Zanzibar Slavers, Force Publique and British Naval Brigade. Bob has a collection of Boxers, and given that there is a free supplement out written by…
Barbastro 2nd June 1837
Display Game at Claymore, Edinburgh (3 August 2024) Report by Conrad Cairns For several years, until The Plague, DWG used to take a display game to the South East Scotland Wargames Club event on the first Saturday of August. Now we have revived what I hope will be a continuing tradition. The game was a…
Mad Dogs and Englishmen in the Sudan
We have been working our way through a number of Colonial rule sets at the moment, and having tried Up the Nile and Death in the Dark Continent (my current favourite), we thought we would give Mad Dogs and Englishmen a run out. It’s an interesting set, though on reading, I found there were a…
D-Day Commemorative Game
To commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day, we wanted to play a beach landing game – the only problem was, we had no suitable terrain to do this….so I volunteered to create the necessary scenery, hoping it would spur me on to finish a project I had started some time ago. Terrain A few years…
Once Upon a time in the Basque Country
Wor Lard Day, Saturday 4th May, 2024 There were two games using 54mm plastic figures, and the Too Fat Lardies rules “Sharp Practice” (2nd Edition)- here are some pictures of one. The game is set in northern Spain, in 1834 or 1835. This was a long way from what the game designers had in mind-or…