Having played a few games of Dave Brown’s Pickett’s Charge at the club I decided to give the rules another run out with a few new players. The Union army consisted of 4 brigades. 1st, 2nd & 3rd brigades – each of 4 infantry regiments plus 1 artillery battery. 4th brigade– 3 infantry regiments plus…
The Battle of Leipzig 16 October 1813 – the Battle
On the weekend of the 18/19 November 2022, we staged the refight of the largest battle of the Napoleonic Wars. We had 16 players at various stages and the event went well. History Repeating Itself? Map of historic army positions on 16 October 1813 by Andrei Nacu from Wikimedia Commons The game was staged using…
Grimdark Future
A new game for us tonight – we have been itching to give Grimdark Future, from One Page Rules, a go – and it didn’t disappoint! The rules themselves can be downloaded for free at https://onepagerules.com/portfolio/grimdark-future/ with an expanded (paid for, but cheap) version available at Wargames Vault. The game itself is asset of rules…
The Battle of Leipzig – the Plan
Club Event: 19-20 November 2022 For many years now at Durham Wargames Group we have occasionally played large scale multi-player Napoleonic games using 15mm figures – trying to refight some of the great battles of the period. For rules we have used both Napoleon’s Battles and Sam Mustafa’s Blücher, excellent sets. We have fought part…
Cortes in Mexico
DWG Battleground Game: Saturday 30th November 2019 By Conrad Cairns Never a group to miss the chance of jumping on a bandwagon, especially one of so slow-moving as this one is in Britain, we decided to revisit Mesoamerican warfare of the sixteenth century to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the campaigns (1519-1521) which broke the…
God Thunders Mightily in the Steppes of Central Asia
by CONRAD CAIRNS- November 2018 A few months ago, that ever-resourceful Yorkshire firm of Irregular Miniatures released a small range of Russian foot and guns for the armies that conquered cental asian khanates between the early1860s and mid 1880s. This was the final piece we needed to game a hitherto-unexploited set of wars, which sound…