Club Event: 19-20 November 2022 For many years now at Durham Wargames Group we have occasionally played large scale multi-player Napoleonic games using 15mm figures – trying to refight some of the great battles of the period. For rules we have used both Napoleon’s Battles and Sam Mustafa’s Blücher, excellent sets. We have fought part…
Cortes in Mexico
DWG Battleground Game: Saturday 30th November 2019 By Conrad Cairns Never a group to miss the chance of jumping on a bandwagon, especially one of so slow-moving as this one is in Britain, we decided to revisit Mesoamerican warfare of the sixteenth century to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the campaigns (1519-1521) which broke the…
God Thunders Mightily in the Steppes of Central Asia
by CONRAD CAIRNS- November 2018 A few months ago, that ever-resourceful Yorkshire firm of Irregular Miniatures released a small range of Russian foot and guns for the armies that conquered cental asian khanates between the early1860s and mid 1880s. This was the final piece we needed to game a hitherto-unexploited set of wars, which sound…
ADLG-R: Ottomans v Holy Roman Empire c1530
We have been looking for a set of rules for Renaissance gaming for what seems like forever, Principles of War being the set we have used the most…it is, however, very math heavy so perhaps not as accessible as some sets. When I heard that there was an adaption of my favourite Ancients/Medieval set, which…
Sgian Dubh 2019
I’ve been keeping busy with a number of projects and have attended a number of ADLG tournaments with varying degrees of success…..2nd at Schiltron (with Ottoman Empire), was followed by 2nd last at the BHGS Challenge (with Medieval German, which I will never use again). I had planned to attend this years Sgian Dubh ADLG…
Basing Figures
I’ve been asked quite a few times recently how I base my figures, so I guess it is time to write up a quick tutorial. Digging through my figure box, I found I had enough to make up a full blown ADLG Mongol army…all I needed to do was rebase some of the Light Horse…